Tuesday, May 4, 2010

13/365: Ankita

This is Ankita. She is 4 years old and lives in a village in India in a small house with a buildup of grass roof, woods and mud walls. Her father is a farmer and is the only earning member in the family. She does not attend school yet because she is too young, but will start soon. We love Ankita. She has sent us drawings, cards and letters. We haven't met her, but we hope to one day. We sponsor her through World Vision. When the husband and I took our oldest daughter to the Revolve tour (awesome - every girl should go!) she heard about World Vision and begged us to support a little girl. She saw Ankita's picture and immediately said, "This is the one." She ended up using her own spending money for the trip to begin our family's sponsorship.

We keep this picture of Ankita on our fridge with pictures of all of our other children. We think of her as one of ours. I think of her mother, of not being able to provide the basic necessities; food, clean water, shoes, blankets, etc. The thought sobers me. We are all really only a few steps away from living in that reality. If that were my child, words could not express the gratitude I would feel. The cost is really not much. We send $30 a month. That opens up a world to Ankita and her village, a world with clean water, education, blankets, and most importantly, Jesus. You can find out more about World Vision here and how they help villages to become self-sustaining and share the Gospel in the process. Maybe there is a little someone waiting for your help.

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